Living Faith Church, Goshen: Covenant Day of Long Life

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One of the Sunday services at Living Faith Church, Goshen.

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Week 02 for the Month of September,
Second Service, Sunday 10 September, 2023,
Covenant Day of Long Life,
Prophetic Focus For The Month: The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not Want,
Teaching Series: Understanding the wonders of Divine Direction Part 2b,
Preacher, Teacher: Pastor Yinka Folorunsho,
Living Faith Church, Goshen.

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NB: Kindly note that these are typing made while the Servant of God was preaching, teaching. Kindly read, understand, share and help spread the Word.

Lift up your voice and say I will live, my family will not die. I have victory in the name of Jesus.

By the Word of God, I decree you shall live in the name of Jesus. Put your hands together for Jesus Christ and give a shout of praise.

On behalf of Jesus Christ, I welcome you to this special service, our Covenant Day of Long Life, our Communion service. The fact that you are in this seceive shows that you have crossed over. God will never leave His people without a witness and He’s ready to do it again and again – Psalms 126:01 – anytime the devil wants to whisper death to you, tell him to shut up.

As a child of God, we will always need divine direction, it’s what changes a man’s destiny – Deuteronomy 32:10-13 – Divine direction catapults you to high places, from obscurity to limelight. Just like the sheep will always need a shepherd, we will always need God’s guidance – Romans 08:14 –

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Those led by God gets authenticated for stardom. You need to grow to know how God leads. We will always need divine direction, no one outgrows it. Divine direction is a must – Psalms 37:25 – those subject to divine direction never beg in life.

When you follow God’s commandments, you end up as a commander. Whatever God says takes preeminence over anything.

  1. We are redeemed to be a blessing and not a burden to our world. God can’t create you to be a failure, you are an asset and not a liability. You are created to be a blessing, where you are now, is only a passage, not your destination. You are created to be an envy, not to be pitied. You are a solution to your generation.Whatever you are suffering today, God is giving you dominion over it.
  2. We are redeemed to be more than conquerors, to be on top of our enemies – Ephesians 02:06, 01:20-21, Romans 08:35-37 – A General does not stand to exchange words with a corporal. It takes divine direction to arrive at an enviable destiny in Christ – the story of Isaac as an example – Genesis 26:01-14.

Five Things to Note by Reason of Divine Direction:

  1. Speedy fulfilment.
  2. Greatness
  3. Unending success – Psalm 71:21 – When you are led by God, your life will be on the increase.
  4. Intimidating success – When you are led by God, no devil can stop you. Every decision we make in life is either to our advantage or disadvantage. No decision leaves us the same in life, that’s the reason we should be careful with our decisions in life. Acknowledge God first in all you do. Subject your every step to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Let the Holy Ghost lead you, gifts and talents are good but, they may not be your calling in your life.

The Cause of Misdirection.

  1. Peter in the Bible
    When you go to where God did not send you, you will see what you don’t want to see – Galatians 02:11-14 – No matter where you are now, there’s still hope for greatness in you. God can still lead you.

Three things in the life of a man – yesterday today and tomorrow, they all have bearing in your life. That’s the reason you must heed to the teachings of this month. Don’t dwelling in the past but, use the present wisely. You can influence what will happen today and tomorrow by taking the right steps – Isaiah 60:14-15.

We saw in the scriptures those God directed and where they ended, example, Jacob.
God’s leading for our lives can be the great plan for us. God can lead you to the right people, and places – Jeremiah 29:14 – let God direct you on the right path. God can direct you to your destiny helper that can give you a turnaround from wanderer of years within a very short period.

Wonders of Divine Direction.

  1. It secures supernatural restoration – 1 Samuel 30:08 – With God, you never ever assume because, there’s a way that seems right but, the end is destruction. Ask God again and again for with him, there’s no assumption. Not everything that glitters is gold. Pursuing when God has not commanded, you lose everything.
  2. It brings supernatural supplies – Psalms 23:01, Exodus 16:35 – If it is God leading you, you don’t suffer lack – Isaiah 48:21 – just let God be leading you and you will see His Mighty Hands – Luke 22:35 – If it is God leading you, before you get there, the doors will be opened – Daniel 03:25.
  3. It secures a stress free life – Psalm 25:09 – There’s no need for anxiety for if it’s God, everything will be smooth and calm, His commandments are not grevious – 1 John 05:03.

Covenant Day of Long Life.
This is the covenant we have with God – Psalm 118:17, Genesis 15:15. Jesus has conquered death – 1 Corinthians 15:53, Philippians 01:21-25, Revelation 01:18 – God has the key of death.

Good old age is our heritage – Genesis 25:08, Galatians 03:13-14, Genesis 15:15 – we are heirs, we are connected to that heritage of long life.

What we see is what we get – Genesis 13:14-15 – see yourself driving and picking your new converts to Church. What you see is what God will make happen for you – Deuteronomy 34:07, Genesis 06:03. David saw himself at Seventy and departed when he got to 70 – Psalms 90:10.

Covenant Demands For Longevity.

  1. Be born again – John 03:03-05, 16.
  2. Stay in love with God – Psalms 91:16 – love His house, love working for His kingdom, love giving to His Kingdom.
  3. Remain committed to serving God and the interest of His Kingdom – Exodus 23:25-26
  4. Build your faith against the fear of death – Job 03:25.
  5. Be joyful, live a life of joy – Proverbs 17:22 – Stop carrying your problems, cast them to God. Run away from things that make you sad – Phillipians 04:04.
  6. Be Committed to speaking the right words – Proverbs 18:21, Psalms 34:12-13
  7. Take up the name of Jesus Christ – Proverbs 18:10.

Call to Salvation.
If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, stop playing and run to God now. It’s just the mercies of God over you that keep you sustained. If you’ve backslided, return to God now.

Say ‘Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you today. I realise I’m a sinner, come into my life and be my Lord and Saviour in Jesus name’.

Father, thank you of this precious soul, a seal has been put on them. They will never draw back in Jesus name, Amen!

Thank you for reading this message. Kindly press the ‘share’ button and spread the Word.

Next Sunday is our Anointing Service, come along with your friends and family and a bottle of the anointing oil.

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