Transparency and Accountability Key To Government Reforms – Kachollom

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L-R Permanent Secretary (FMH&SW) Daju Kachollom S. mni, Dr. Deborah Odoh, Service Policies and Strategic Office (OHCSF), Mrs Nnenna Akajemeli (National Coordinator Servicom), Mr David Adejo (Permanent Secretary, rtd) and Mrs Oputa Ifeoma (Director, Reform Coordination & Service Improvement FMoH) during the launching of the Service Charter.

The Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Daju Kachollom mni, on Monday, encouraged Directors/Heads of Reform Coordination and Service Improvement in various MDA’s to take responsibility for promoting integrity, transparency and accountability in their daily operations as key drivers of government reforms.

She said their dedication, vision and strategic guidance will shape the future of the Civil Service.

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Daju, recalled that reform initiatives, which is spearheaded by the OHCSF, especially the Federal Civil Service Strategy and Implementation Plan (FCSSIP -25), have played a vital role in shaping the future of the Nigeria Public Service.

According to Ado Bako, Head (Press & Public Relations), the Permanent Secretary described the commitment of the Directors in transforming operations as truly commendable, urging them for more unwavering efforts in leading reforms within their respective MDA’s, despite the prevailing challenges.

“As we work together to implement the FCSSIP-25 and other government reforms, I urge everyone to share their experiences, challenges and best practices, the Permanent Secretary said at the Bi-monthly Consultative Forum for Directors/Heads of Reform Coordination and Service Improvement with the Service Policies and Strategies Office, Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation (OHCSF), at the National Hospital, Abuja.

“By learning and supporting each other, we can improve our pursuit of excellence, as our combined efforts will undoubtedly lead to better service delivery and a more efficient public service”, she expressed optimism.

Speaking further, she urged for cultural shift within the Civil Service for effective reforms, from mere structural changes to a change in mindset and behavior at all levels, adding that the cultural transformation requires strong leadership, unwavering commitment and unified vision of excellence.

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The Permanent Secretary, pointed out that the Coordinating Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Professor, Mohammed Ali Pate and the Management team of the Ministry, have committed to developing the Nigerian Health Sector into a World-Class Institution, where services are provided to all citizens without discrimination, through the execution of reform initiatives.

The Permanent Secretary, Service Policies and Strategies Office (OHCSF), Dr. Deborah O.N. Odoh, stressed the need for participants at the forum to take the opportunity to share ideas, advices and pair learning, pointing out that the success of Federal Civil Service Strategy Implementation Plan (FCSSIP -25) lies and depends on the Directors, SERVICOM and all Stakeholders.

While explaining that the reform has six (6) pillars, one of which is the  bi-monthly meeting which has being convened successful and promptly, the Permanent Secretary (SPSO), urged them to ensure speedy implementation of the FCSSIP-25 reform as they have critical role to play in that direction.

Dr. Deborah, further called on other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDA’s), to emulate the Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, to draft and implement the Service Charter. She expressed delight that the service delivery performance of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare has been shifted from 40% to 80% as shown in the quarterly rating of FCSSIP-25 Performance Tracking by the Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation (OHCSF). This, according to her, has indicated the Ministry’s commitment towards provision of quality services and delivery to Nigerians.

The Director, Reform Coordination and Service Improvement, Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Mrs. Oputa Ifeoma, announced that the Ministry has aligned its policies, strategies and service delivery mechanism with the core objectives of the Reform Agenda. She cited the development of the Ministry’s Performance Management System (MPMS) in which all Directors signed their Performance Bond with the Coordinating Minister of Health, Minister of State and the Permanent Secretary as an example.

She added that the Ministry has also started the process of cascading the Performance Management System of the Agencies and Parastatals under its supervision, emphasizing that the mandate of public servants is to deliver high-quality services that meet the needs of the citizens.

Mrs. Oputa, commended the massive support received from the Permanent Secretary of Health, which according to her was instrumental in shaping the FCSSIP-25 implementation in the Ministry. She called on the participants to be bold in their thinking, be relentless and innovative in their approach in pursuit of excellence as well as rise to the challenge and deliver.

While presenting her goodwill message and launching of the Service Charter of the Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the National Coordinator, SERVICOM Presidency, Mrs Nnenna Akajemeli, stated that the official launch marks a significant step towards service improvement in the Ministry, urging other MDA’S to emulate the gesture.

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