When We Believe And Take Steps, God Confirms His Word – Senator Plang

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Senator Diket Plang represents Plateau Central Senatorial District.

“GOD is the ultimate, He is the most powerful. He knows us inside out and there’s nothing impossible for Him. We have lots of assurances to always lean on God. Where our strength ends, He picks up. We as believers, the Word of God says “with Him, all things are possible” but, it is only for those that believe”.

These were the words of Plateau State born politician and serving lawmaker, Senator Diket Plang, while admonishing Christians on the benefits of obedience to the voice of God when He speaks.

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Referencing the story of Simon Peter in the Bible who seemingly reluctantly did what Jesus asked but, ended up reaping the rewards immediately.

Senator Plang represents Plateau Central Senatorial District and has been with the Nigerian Senate since 2023.

“This is a great assurance from God and we can also see the miracle that Jesus did to Simon Peter and his brother at the Lake of Garneseret. They toiled all night fishing but, had no result to show for it” Senator Plang said in an interview with Mediaage in Abuja.

“When Jesus asked them to cast the net again, Peter’s response was ‘we have toiled and got nothing but, as you said, I will do it’. We learnt that as he cast the net, the number of fishes caught were such that the net almost got broken. They had to call for assistance.

“This goes to show that when we believe and take steps, God moves to confirm His Word. Obedience to His instructions is what commits God.

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If you want the Glory, obey His Word. Do your own amd leave Him to His. The blessings come by the doing.

“Not just obeying God but, with good conscience. Whatever you are doing for God, should be because, you love Him, not because you want something”, he said.

God knows our limits and that’s where He comes in.

Senator Plang who earlier spoke at a Christian Fellowship, said when you listen to God and act in obedience to His Word, nothing is impossible and revealed further that God picks up where our strength falls. “He knows our limits and that’s where He comes in”.

“If you have money to eat good food but, chose not to, because you want to save, you will pay at the hospital. But, a mad man survives what he eats from the refuse because, God took over from where his mental strength ends.

“The rural dwellers drink ordinary water and go to sleep but, someone who has the money to take sachet water won’t drink like the rural dwellers, else he will end up at the hospital. So, God knows your capacity and strength. He knows what He has bestowed on you but, where it ends, He picks”, Senator Plang stated.

The lawmaker also made words concerning the current economic state of the country, calling it “a crisis”. He however, said God is aware of all that’s happening and powerful to stem the tide.

“Like the crisis in this country, God does not sleep”, he continued.

“He knows Nigeria and everything in it. He is powerful enough and if we believe and know Him, there’s no way we will have doubts. When we always know that He’s in charge, we will not be afraid or fearful of anything because we know that He is on the throne. He sees and has the capacity to overcome all issues.

“So, for us Christians and believers in God, there should be no day that we should feel lonely, losing hope because, the owner of the world is in charge. Let’s continue to lean on Him to direct our path and accept all situations. Whatever comes to you may be God’s plans, His will is not ours.

“Many times, He deprives you of things that could be dangerous to your future. It may be a disappointment but, to God, He’s trying to pick you off a wrong path to the right one.

God Makes Leaders
On the choice of leadership for the country, he went further to say that God desires wisdom for everyone and once a choice of leadership is made, He gives an idea of what lies in ahead.

“If you go for what you want, He allows you because, you will be the one to face the aftermath”.

“if you prefer money to character, you will reap whatever you have sown. The Bible also stated it clearly that whatever you sow, you shall reap. Those who sow sparingly will reap sparingly. Those who sow bountifully, will also reap bountifully.

“Sometimes, we decide our leadership. He has given us the wisdom and knowledge to know the right person but, because of temptation and for the fact that we are humans, we prefer to take the porridge and miss the future. Many of us prefer a short term, temporal enjoyment to a long permanent fulfilment in our lives.

“However, God has given us a leader. We need to be obedient and help the leader succeed. Bola Tinubu is the president, the Vice President, the Senate President, Senators and other leadership positions are already in place and we are supposed to be obedient and contribute to the growth of the country. Let’s play our role of being nationalistic, patriotic and sincere Christians, and the system will work.

“Our conscience is there, we need to be very close and in tune with God. When we are, we will be connected, otherwise, your prayers will not reach Heaven. When we are in tune with God, all things will be well for us. However, when you are not in tune with God, it means that you will only obey the dictates of the evil ones”, he concluded.

Senator Plang is the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Labour, Employment, and Productivity, Senator Diket Plang, and the Vice Chairman of the Federal Character.

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